
Monday 28 October 2013

Manisha Tailor : Ola Williams Interview

Our latest feature is another from our regular and extremely popular contributor, Manisha Tailor. Previous features from Manisha can be found within the No Clash Of Colours site include her debut appearance Click Here >> Manisha Tailor : Football & Coach which is our most popular feature from a contributor. If you'd like to contribute to No Clash Of Colours, drop us a line at the email address in the Contact Details side panel.

You can follow her here via her #twitterfeed : Click Here >> Manisha Tailor


Last Saturday, October 26th , saw Wingate and Finchley take an impressive 3-0 victory over opponents at the higher end of the league table, Bognor Regis Town. Although some may say that a quick succession of own goals in the second half aided this, on-lookers cannot deny the confidence displayed by Wingate throughout the game. Wingate’s right-back, Ola Williams, who has been in particularly fine form took some time out of his busy schedule to talk about team moral and performance ahead of the 2nd round qualifier of the FA Trophy against Daventry this coming Saturday, November 2nd.

M : On Saturday you were up against Bognor Regis Town who have been impressive and at the higher end of the table. What were your initial thoughts going into the game?

O : “As a team we didn't really pay attention to where Bognor were on the table because the league is still tight and we know they keep the ball well, but so do we! We felt confident from Mondays’ win that we will get something from this game”.

Defensively you were solid - has this been an area of focus by the manager during training?

“Most definitely! This is something that we have worked on the most during training, because going forward we look dangerous, but at the beginning of the season we did give away easy goals and it cost us. Now everyone knows there job and we work well together as a team to stop teams breaking us down”.

You had a really good game - The Express FM commentary team quoted "Williams and his fancy footwork" and you have been described as being in fine form at the moment, which I saw for myself! How would you describe your style of play? Have you got a Williams signature skill?

“I don't know how to describe my style of play! I see myself as a full back who loves to defend first and I get the hump when a player gets passed me which in all honesty is particularly rare, haha! I also love to join in the attacks of play driving at players with my pace. I don't really have a signature skill....probably just get the ball put my head down and run haha!”

This week you are at home in the 2nd qualifying round of the FA Trophy to Daventry. Following your win against Bognor, how are the players feeling to the build up to the game?

“As always it doesn’t matter if we come off from a loss or a win. As a team we always go into every game with the same mentality of we're going to win, that's why I love this squad because we fear no one. We are confident in our own abilities and we trust and work hard for each other”.

Daventry will be on top form after their 6-1 win on the weekend. I see you scored in the 1st qualifier against Hitchin Town, do you think we will see more in the far corner from you on Saturday?

“To be honest I'm not bothered about Daventry coming off from a 6-1 win. As I said before, we fear no one. We are confident in our ability and focused on the job – that is to go out on the pitch and win this game. Well this season I found myself getting in areas to get a shot off when I cut in, so hopefully I can get more goals for myself. Fingers crossed!”


Hunger, passion and drive is certainly evident from William’s interview. But more so, a strong sense of team spirit. With this cohesion and winning mentality we may just see another triumph for the home side at the Harry Abraham’s Stadium this Saturday.


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