
Monday 21 January 2013

My Hero - My Inspiration : Manisha Tailor

To those of you who have been following No Clash Of Colours, Manisha Tailor will need no introduction.  Her first feature for us, "Teacher and Football Coach : Different Or The Same" has had now well over 1000 hits, there's a link at the bottom of the article for those who are involved in either or both.

For those who are new, Manisha is a primary school teacher from London. Supports Arsenal with a passion, is involved at a voluntarily level with the London FA and Middlesex FA, The London Playing Fields Foundation and is an Ambassador for the FA's "Football Needs You" campaign.

These are her words, this is her inspiration, her hero.



How I Fell In Love With “The Beautiful Game’

Since the age of 8 years old, my twin brother and I together ate, drank and breathed football – which at times got us into quite some bother at school! Our parents were not always impressed with the lack of attention spent on our school work, as for us, spending time organising lunchtime matches was far more important – primary school was awesome! Joint at the hip, quite literally, until secondary school that is (mum and dad intentionally sent us to separate secondary schools) – our love for the game both playing and watching continued. He however, influenced by my dad, became a Liverpool follower – they never did manage to convert me, I am a Gooner through and through!  My twin – the reason I fell in love with the beautiful game we know as football.

Left With A Broken Heart – Quite Literally

Our joint love for football continued until we were 18 years of age. Unfortunately, as a result of a series of traumatic events, my twin became depressed – and 14 years on, continues to suffer from the taboo word in football ‘mental health’.  So, as some know me as having two jobs (teaching and coaching), the honest truth is I don’t, as I am also a carer accumulating that to three.  The reason for me mentioning it though has significance – as despite on one hand feeling broken, it is this very situation that gives me the strength, motivation and will power to continue as an individual and move forward within the professional game, as it is something special that we once shared.

My twin is the reason I became engaged in football – and, despite the circumstances, continues to be my inspiration in wanting to do well in all aspects of the game be it coaching, playing, mentoring or linking it to education.  The say ‘god gives his battles to his strongest warriors’ and in some respect, without the mental strength, carrying out many roles and responsibilities would be extremely challenging for me. 

Football : A Powerful Tool

My message is that if you can show great strength in character, everything is doable.  Being able to use the power of football as a vehicle to overcome difficult situations is a wonderful thing – something that I have done and continue to do.  I am a huge supporter of the work carried out by Elite Welfare Management (EWM) who are providing a platform of support as well as being pioneers of addressing the taboo within the game.  

For me, my journey and professional development in football will continue, so that on full recovery, my twin can say he is proud of his sister – my greatest influence on who I am today, both in and outside of the game. 





  1. "This girl is different gravy, Inspiration. Wow!"

    (Lee Merrick, A License Coach – Cosmo Soccer Academy, Canada)
    via twitter

  2. "Great idea. How nice to read about the good football does.
    How it inspires others and intrinsic motivation."

    (Pumpherston United)
    via twitter

  3. "Another great read. Full of passion and belief."

    (Oldham Hulmeians AFC)
    via twitter

  4. "Top girl"

    (Tony Taylor : Coach - Burton Albion FC)
    via twitter

  5. "A touching and inspiring read. Good Luck to them both."

    Claire Warner : Teacher
    via twitter

  6. "Thought it was a lovely piece"
    Rob Hornby
    via twitter

  7. "Nice piece – takes courage to share these things."

    Jas Jassal : Inventive Sports
    via twitter

  8. "Inspirational"

    Baljit Rihal : Inventive Sports / Founder of Asian Football Awards
    via twitter

  9. "Excellent piece again Manisha – I have something lined up for you!"

    Jack Preston : Elite Welfare Management
    via twitter

  10. "Brilliant piece, Manisha"

    Elite Welfare Management
    via twitter

  11. "From the first time I met you I knew football had a gem. Glad to support your growth. Keep spreading the gospel."

    Troy Townsend : Leadership and Mentoring at Kick it Out
    via twitter

  12. "So much negativity around football but Manisha’s simplicity to deliver such work shows the power and positives football may bring."
    Kick it Soccer School
    via twitter

  13. "Brilliant piece Manisha! Even more admiration for everything you have achieved and continue to do considering circumstances. Proud to know you. If there’s anything we can do just ask."

    Richard Bates : Kick it Out

  14. "Very emotional and touching and great read. Keep working hard."

    Will Boye : Manager / Brentford WFC

  15. "Nice to see such great stories bring people together."

    Gary Willis : Commercial Manager Glasshoughton Welfare FC
    via twitter

  16. "Cracking article"

    Rob Pattz : Capital League Manager
    via twitter

  17. "Just read your beautiful blog post about your lovely brother. I am so proud of you sweetheart."

    Carrie Armstrong : TV Presenter
    via twitter

  18. "A really nice read Miss Tailor and proud to re-tweet it. If we can help out keep us posted."

    Pitch Talk : Football YouTube Channel
    via twitter

  19. "I am sure your brother is extremely proud of you."

    Raj Sahota : Lawyer / Photographer
    via twitter

  20. "An inspirational article Manisha. An area which is still very much misunderstood in our community."

    Ikram Butt : England International : Rugby League

  21. "Wonderful!"

    David James : England International Goalkeeper :
    Currently at AFC Bournemouth.

  22. "Inspiring!"

    Andleeb Hanif : Editor at Asian Express Newspaper
    via twitter

  23. "Inspirational piece! Such a misunderstood issue."

    Girls With Ballz
    via twitter

  24. "Very moving, loved it! Keep up the great work that you are doing. God Bless."

    Varun Menon
    via twitter

  25. "Good article, we share the same passion for wrestling as you do for football."

    Team Perfection : Professional Wrestlers
    via twitter

  26. "Read your article. As I said from the day we met. You’re an inspiration. Keep on going. Sky’s the limit!"

    Azza Anwar : Winner of Cristiano Ronaldo Nike Challenge

  27. "Thought it was very good"

    Mark Parsons
    via twitter

  28. "A moving and hopeful piece."

    Nicole Still
    via twitter

  29. "An inspirational piece written from the heart with football driving as a driving factor to achieve your aim. Keep up the great work."

    Rob Jones : Football Coach
    via twitter

  30. "Thank you for sharing this with me. Truly inspirational"

    Jug Johal : RugbyUnion Player
    via twitter

  31. "Short but inspiring blog."
    Connect Sport
    via twitter

  32. "Great article. Your passion and drive for the game really shines through."

    Adam Barlow : Writer for Lincoln Ladies FC
    via twitter

  33. "Inspirational. Will highlight it to people."

    Matthew Ogborn : Journalist

  34. "Really like it, congrats Manisha – you put your story, your thoughts together really well. Well done guys."

    Kait Borsay : Sport Presenter/Writer Sky Sports and Sky Sports News
    via twitter

  35. "Asian lady and Football!! Fantastic work."

    Asians UK
    via twitter

  36. "Great piece of work – but one thing you forgot to mention, that you used to support Everton!"

    Nilesh Tailor : Cousin

  37. "Another great article full of mental toughness and relating to resilience, desire and focus."

    Gobinder Gill : Sport and Exercise FE
    via twitter

  38. "Good read"

    Zesh Rehman : [First British Asian Player to start a Premiership fixture]

    via twitter

  39. "That was a great read Manisha. Don’t worry – your success will come because you deserve it."

    Rafi : London
    via twitter

  40. "I am full of admiration for you. Thanks so much for sharing your inspiration and showing that there is always a positive xx"

    Jenny Garrett : Writer
    via twitter

  41. "Very impressed by your story Manisha!"

    Ian McArthur : The Other Foot Soccer School
    via twitter

  42. "Moving story – great inspiration."

    Raj Sangha : London

  43. “God gives his battles to his strongest warriors”. Touching and inspiring – fair play to you, keep it up!"

    Mukhy Singh : London

  44. "Well done, inspiring – keep pursuing your goals x."

    JAYDAH : Fashion Jewelery
    via twitter

  45. "Nice read, but moving."

    Jay Nagra : Indian Gymkhana FC Coach
    via twitter

  46. "Truly amazing!"

    Amit Sohal : Footballer / Indian Gymkhana FC

  47. "An inspirational read, wish you the best of luck for the future. Keep up the good work. ‘Everything is doable’.

    Simon Bria : London

  48. "Inspiring piece there."

    Manny Gill : Footballer / Indian Gymkhana FC

  49. "You inspire the youth and that’s a huge thing, to be inspiring."

    Sunny Jagpal : DJ

  50. "Always look forward to your blogs! Amazing work and I always use it as an inspiration to mine."

    Thomas Hewitt : Freelance Journalist
    via twitter

  51. "Respect to you – truly amazing Manisha."

    Kozza : Footballer / Indian Gymkhana FC

  52. "Thanks very much for sharing it with us and talking about supporting your brother with his depression – take care of you."

    MIND : Mental Health Charity
    via twitter

  53. "Great blog and thanks for sharing!"

    Time To Change : UK
    via twitter

  54. "Manisha that is an amazing read. Really proud of you! Inspiring!"

    Gaurav : Footballer / Indian Gymkhana FC

  55. "Good stuff Manisha. Keep fighting!"

    Jim Dees : Deputy Headteacher / London

  56. "A beautiful written piece straight from the heart."

    British Asian Sport
    via twitter

  57. "Very inspirational. Have to say your parents must be very supportive to allow you to be involved in football."

    Sanjay, Reading

  58. "Well done for speaking up about mental health and sport. It is not easy which is why barriers and social stigma remain. You have inspired me to also speak up and write. An open discussion equals change."

    Alison : Photographer
    via email

  59. "Very nice article."

    John Paul Hughes : Life Coach & Ex-Professional Footballer
    via email

  60. Well Written nice article Manisha good work

  61. "Really liked the article."

    Kalam Mooniaruck, FA Tesco Skills Manager, Cambridge
    via email

  62. a very inspiring article, thank you for sharing your story, Manisha!!

  63. "Your article moved me to tears and it's the kind of thing that needs to be recognised. It gives hope to others. How you turn a situation into something so positive speaks volumes of your character. I salute you. Someone like you is rare. You give hope to others"

    (Abdul Qayum)

  64. "This was so inspirational to read xxx"

    (Poonam Shah)

  65. "Wow this is heart warming"

    Parm Panesar
    (DJ Denon UK, Official tour DJ for Apache Indian)

  66. "Keep up the great work - HERO!"

    Glen Johnson (Chelmsford City GK Coach)
    via email

  67. "Keep up the great work - fascinating stuff!"

    (Jose Figueira
    (Football Coach)
    via email
