
Sunday 28 October 2012

"No Clash Of Colours"

"We'll be Spurs then, Sir. They'll be no clash of colours" .... 
".... And it's Manchester United v Spurs in this vital fifth round cup tie"....
Taken from "A Kestrel For A Knave" - Barry Hines


No Clash Of Colours isn't a football blog about the Premier League, The Champions League, European Football .... this isn't a blog about the exploits of BIG named "stars" earning more money in a week than the clubs photographed in this blog take in ten seasons, never mind one!

This is a website, focusing on a level of the sport that many supporters won't have discovered, teams that don't make the pools coupons and betting slips, Final Score/Sky Sports tickertape results sections, where attendances are frequently in double figures, where there's no segregation, where the price of admission is often less than a round of pre-match drinks, where many of the people associated with "their" club, work for nothing, from the tea ladies, raffle-ticket sellers, programme editors, social media admin, chairmen/chairwomen thru' to the players.

Primarily, this will be a photography blog with minimal writing, although there will be enough to provide any readers with information as regards the clubs and leagues covered.  Trying to steer away from match action, we'll be photographing the sights and scenes from each ground that make it unique.  The supporters, celebrities and club people who are as important in football as those currently plying their trade at the highest levels, not just nationally but internationally.

There will be links attached to all the clubs we get the pleasure of visiting and photographing,

If any club would be happy for the NCOC photographer(s) to visit, you can contact us via the details in the Contact Us details panel.

As you're reading this, please leave us comments, thoughts, ideas, maybe even write a feature for us and we'll put it online for all the world to read!  Look up your local non-league club and pay them a visit.  In these hard times, your support for them to survive matters, more than ever before.

Final thought, the rules of football do not differ from the levels on view here, than they do at the highest levels of the game.  The venues, technical skills, attendances, wage packets, celebrity stories do, but we're not interested in those aspects of the game.

No Clash Of Colours

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